The Bank of Italy has made securities purchased under the Public Sector Purchase Programme available for lending, as of 11 May 2015, under the governance of Clearstream Banking...
13 May 2015Windsor, Connecticut Reporter: Stephen Durham
The gross return of SS&C GlobeOp’s Hedge Fund Performance Index for April 2015 measured 0.34 percent, down from 1.30 percent in the previous month...
Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC Private Limited has adopted Omgeo Alert, the industry’s largest web-based global database for the maintenance and communication of account and SSIs...
SunGard’s Astec Analytics has compiled the hottest stocks from around the globe for the week beginning 27 April 2015—one that has seen earnings numbers holding sway over market behaviour...
The European Central Bank (ECB) has made the holdings of securities purchased under the public sector purchase programme (PSPP) available for securities lending...